2021年最後の公式大会「VALORANT Champions 2021」が終了し、オフシーズンに突入する現在ですが、各チームで続々と移籍が行われています。今月はブラジルの競技シーンで移籍が多い印象ですが、来シーズンへ向け各チームが大幅な再編を予定しているようです。
オーストラリア・Wildcard GamingがVALORANT部門の解散を発表
Wildcard Gaming is taking a step back from Valorant for the foreseeable future.
— Wildcard Gaming (@Wildcard_GG) December 1, 2021
Thank you to our team for an amazing year:@rDeeW_@InfrequeNtcs@Nozzworld@swerlworldy@signedworld
We wish you all the best in your careers. #StackTheDeck
Read more 🔗: https://t.co/1K7qnUmgup pic.twitter.com/Ll5yyCA8X1
トルコ・BBL EsportsにQutionerXが加入、マネーロンダリング問題で契約が終了したl0gicmanに代わり加入
Valorant kadromuzu @QutionerX 'i dahil ederek güçlendiriyoruz.
— BBL Esports (@BBL_esports) December 1, 2021
Aileye hoş geldin🚀 pic.twitter.com/RqTPpEUPC3
Today, we say goodbye to one of the most talented individuals in VALORANT. Thank you @aleksandarosa for your contribution to Andbox.
— Andbox (@andbox_official) December 1, 2021
We wish you the best of luck with everything in the future. pic.twitter.com/3FCSPyp1hl
韓国・TNL EsportsがSeliGと契約終了を発表
[Farewell] 'SeliG' 엄현성 선수와 상호 합의하에 계약을 종료하게 되었습니다.
— TNL Esports (@TnlesportsK) December 3, 2021
짧은 기간이였지만 TNL Esports에서 활동해주신 SeliG 선수님께 팀에대한 노고와 활동 정말 감사드립니다 pic.twitter.com/cT64JY1xzb
アゼルバイジャン・GMT EsportsがVALORANT部門の解散を発表
😟We would like to inform you that we are disbanding the Valorant roster. Many thanks to our players, we wish them good luck in their esports career.
— GMT Esports (@GMTesports) December 5, 2021
😶BUT! We are not leaving the discipline, and we will follow the development of the scene. #gmtesports #gmtvalorant pic.twitter.com/dei4OTgk2C
Oh you better believe we picked em up 😈
— Pioneers (@PioneersGG) December 6, 2021
Officially welcome @thi9f, @Critical_Val, and @WedidOfficial to the Pioneers 🤝#MyCity🐎 pic.twitter.com/ciBlnbX6hH
ex-IVYがアマチュアチーム「Young Talents」として活動再開、WorldEdit、wayLanderが在籍
ex-IVY => Young Talents
— rAsk (@rAskVAL) December 7, 2021
P.S. We are highly motivated and are still looking for organization. Contact me in DM or kimi@ulti-agency.com
Likes and RT's appreciated ❤️ pic.twitter.com/ARszMIKH5q
Giants GamingよりAmbiがベンチ入り、来シーズンへ向けVALORANT部門の再構築を予定
I'm still under contract with @GiantsGaming but with the team rebuilding for next year they've allowed me to explore my options.
— Štěpán Ambi Beránek (@AmbiVALO) December 9, 2021
I'm most comfortable on Duelist / Sova role, but I can play any role to enable my team.
Contact me via DM or at ambi@fabrykaesportu.com
Boa tarde pessoal, vim avisar vocês que estou Free Agent e procurando por um time para representar em 2022, se você ou sua organização tiver interesse, vamos conversar. DM aberta ou email para contato : ablejj9ob@gmail.com
— Rinaldo Moda Junior (@ableJfps) December 10, 2021
CLG Redのヘッドコーチにshinobi(ex-Cloud9, Global Esports)が就任
Only one goal on our mind. To become the best women's @PlayVALORANT team in the world. 🏆
— CLG (@clgaming) December 10, 2021
Please welcome our new head coach @shinobi_fps to #CLGRED. #CLGFIGHTING pic.twitter.com/pqbnQtpgiA
トルコ・İstanbul WildcatsがVALORANT部門の再編を発表、新たに6人の選手、4人のコーチ、1人のアナリストが加入(トルコの決済サービス「fastPay」がネーミングライツ権を獲得し、fastPay Wildcatsにチーム名変更)
Haftalardır sürdürdüğümüz try-out'un ardından oluşturduğumuz genç ve yetenekli VALORANT kadromuz ile uzun bir yola çıkıyoruz. Hoş geldiniz! 💪
— fastPay Wildcats (@IWcats) December 12, 2021
🇹🇷Whoow#GOWILD🐆 #VALORANT pic.twitter.com/XKrlapmmBv
Decided to part ways with @FaZeClan both parties had a different vision and I decided this was for the best going forward.
— FaZe ZachaREEE (@zacklombardo) December 13, 2021
I'm still under contract with them so I'm a restricted F/A.
Main roles are Sentinel/Smokes but willing to learn anything.
Contact me via twitter
rt <3
Vivo Keydよりntkが脱退
Hoje nos despedimos do @ntkvlr.
— Vivo Keyd (@VivoKeyd) December 13, 2021
Agradecemos o tempo que esteve com a VK e desejamos tudo de melhor para você na sua caminhada. pic.twitter.com/W5OpAqLO2J
The GuardにJonahP(ex-Complexity、Immortals)が加入
Time to rank up.
— The Guard (@TheGuard) December 13, 2021
Welcome our newest Valorant player to The Guard, @JonahP_!#StandGuard pic.twitter.com/8rwj3lVBNY
Natus Vincereよりarchがベンチ入り、IGLとして新たなチームを模索中
Benched from NAVI; Looking for opportunities as IGL for 22 season as Free Agent
— NAVI arch (@archiliciouz) December 13, 2021
Read: https://t.co/QtmLs1LaHo
Movistar RidersのヘッドコーチにLRojoが就任、前チームはG2 Eportsのアナリスト
Vuelve a casa como coach para nuestro nuevo proyecto de @VALORANTes 2022
— Movistar Riders⛄❄ (@Movistar_Riders) December 14, 2021
💙¡Bienvenido de nuevo @LucasRojo!💙#SomosMovistarRiders pic.twitter.com/OLyF93Uehh
#V1VAL team update:@Oderuscs has been moved to the bench as we look to finalize our team heading into the 2022 season.
— Version1 (@version1gg) December 14, 2021
Allowed to explore options for a new team going in to 2022.
— ABX mada (@madafps) December 14, 2021
I'm still under contract with ABX so I'm a restricted F/A.
Can play all duelist/flex roles
E hoje nos despedimos do @jonnfps, @fznnnn e @nyangdll. Eles vestiram bravamente o manto da GL, porém nossa jornada chegou ao fim. Obrigado por se juntarem a nós logo no início de tudo. Vocês foram incríveis e fizeram história no Valorant conosco. BS e sucesso! 💙 pic.twitter.com/aGsl7wGTnS
— Gamelanders #GOGL (@gamelandersgg) December 14, 2021
VALORANT部門の解散を発表したHEETのメンバーが「Need more DM」として再出発
We as needmoreDM are looking for an org to represent in the East!
— Renátó Bárányos (@HEETbzt) December 15, 2021
LU:@ElekSimon(haxtrax)@crazyd33R@Barcodee1@Szimpli1@victorsonator (coach)@V1CE24 (analyst)
grinding since beta, top11 this summer, top3 last summer, if interested 📩coach
vlr : https://t.co/5BbfYS3Bec https://t.co/N25HLReCCa