当サイトで紹介することができなかった2021年8月(8月1日~31日)の国内外の各チームの移籍情報をまとめて紹介します。Stage 3が終了し、チーム間の移籍が多いことに加え、8月前半にロスターアップデート記事を投稿できなかったため、1ページのデータ量が多く、少しページが重いかもしれません。
フランス・Vitalityよりshalaby、LoWkiiの2人が脱退。学生世界大会Red Bull Campus Clutchで優勝したエジプト人選手shalabyは、エジプト・Anubis Gamingへ移籍。
Today we say goodbye to our VALORANT player @LoWkiiTT, thank you for everything and for your good mood! Good luck for the future 💛 pic.twitter.com/6yjc2cIpmp
— Team Vitality (@TeamVitality) August 5, 2021
— Anubis Gaming (@Anubis_eSports) August 5, 2021
بعد فترة قضاها مع فريق @TeamVitality قرر @ShalabyVal انه يرجع للفريق ويستخدم الخبرة اللى خدها انه يقود الفريق فى الفترة الجاية
هنحاول نحقق مركز كبير لمستقبل مصر والوطن العربى بإذن الله 🇪🇬#GO_ANB #بنحبك_يا_شلابى pic.twitter.com/PI09pnVC1J
ANDBOXよりEnvyへyayが移籍。加入して僅か1週間でVALROANT Champions Tour 2021 NA Stage 3では3位入賞し、ドイツへの切符を手にしている。
They're not ready 😈
— ENVY (@Envy) August 5, 2021
Welcome El Diablo @yayFPS to Envy VALORANT! pic.twitter.com/P5upy1akyx
Today we part ways with @MatthewCElmore as our VALORANT head coach.
— Gen.G Esports (@GenG) August 9, 2021
Thank you for the hard work you’ve put in for the team & taking us to a 3rd place finish in Stage 1 VCT Masters. We wish you nothing but the best in what you do next. pic.twitter.com/ntMJyEnSde
韓国・PrinceよりCoSa、Anaks、kobra、JoXJo、Halbaeが脱退。VALROANT Champions Tour 2021 Korea Stage 3ではプレイオフ出場を果たすも、1回戦でVision Strikersに2-0で敗退。
— GOnGO PRINCE_official (@GOnGOPrince) June 28, 2021
2021년 6월 22일 김진형 선수를 영입하였습니다.
코사 김진형 선수에게 많은 응원 부탁드립니다.#GOnGO_PRINCE #Carry @JoXJo_by @kobrazinn @Halbaevlrt @Anaks000 @CoSaw0w pic.twitter.com/gPJTZWKMZy
One Breath GamingがVALORANT部門の解散を発表
ロシアの強豪チームOne Breath GamingがVALORANT部門の解散を発表。VALROANT Champions Tour 2021 CIS Stage 1ではMasters進出を果たすも、Stage 2、Stage 3では惜しい所でプレイオフ出場を逃している。一方、VALORANT部門は継続予定で、今年度後半に新ラインナップを発表予定。
Today we say goodbye to our VALORANT roster.
— One Breath Gaming (@obg_gg) August 13, 2021
Together we made CIS Challengers finals twice, and we will not forget this experience. Good luck on you next journey guys!
We are not done with VALORANT, and we will keep you updated on our next roster later this year! pic.twitter.com/NP1EuhPW0k
Stage 2ではMastersへ出場したVersion1より、vanityがCloud9へ移籍。CS:GO時代に共にプレイしたlaef、Xeppaaと再開。
We got him. pic.twitter.com/R5EDOLqAJc
— Cloud9 (@Cloud9) August 13, 2021
📣VALORANT ROSTER ANNOUNCEMENT📣@DeadFoxcsgo is being released and @baddyyG will be replacing him on the active line-up!🔥
— HEET (@heet_gaming) August 16, 2021
We thank Bence for his services over the past 8 months, and are sad to see him go
Please give Kamil a warm welcome!🔥@Xtrfy - @Streamheroes pic.twitter.com/L3shV28LWv
Giants Gaming、Davidp、Ambiと正式契約
今年7月にGiants Gamingへトライアルで加入したdavidp、Ambi、Stage 3の成績が評価され正式契約。Stage 3ではFnatic、Liquidを破りヨーロッパのプレイオフへ進出している。
Nadie lo esperaba, ¿verdad? 👀
— Vodafone Giants (@GiantsGaming) August 18, 2021
Ahora sí, a por esa plaza en Berlín. ¡Bienvenidos a casa, @Davidp_ y @AmbiVALO!#WeAreGiants #VodafoneGiants pic.twitter.com/L5kf50kgv7
BearClaw Gamingがブラジルチームと契約
今年2月、給与未払いにより一度解散したBearClaw Gamingが、ブラジル人チームを獲得し、VALORANT部門へ再参入。
Here comes the news...
— BearClaw Gaming (@BearClaw_Esport) August 19, 2021
We need everyone saying a BIG WELCOME to our new girls 💚
Introducing our new VALORANT roster: pic.twitter.com/Cy2RbgqOOw
Evil Geniuses、potterがヘッドコーチへ
Evil Geniusesの新コーチにpotterが就任。6月に大幅なラインナップ変更を行ったが、potterコーチ就任でよりVALORANT部門の活動をより本格化していくと予測される。
— Evil Geniuses (@EvilGeniuses) August 20, 2021
📢 Welcome, @OfficialfRoD 🤝 as KCP's Official Valorant Coach ⚡
— Pioneers (@PioneersGG) August 21, 2021
With the addition of Frod we aim to build our Valorant roster to new heights 🙌
LETS GET IT 💪#MyCity pic.twitter.com/kvVz8In9sc
Legacy EsportsがVALORANT部門を設立
今年2月にVALORANT部門を一度解散したオーストラリアのeスポーツチームLegacy Esportsが、再度VALORANT部門の設立をアナウンス。9月8日よりスタートするNA ラストチャンス予選への出場をかけたVALORANT Oceania Tour 2021へ出場予定。
We're back!
— Legacy Esports (@LegacyOCE) August 22, 2021
Announcing our new Valorant roster
More details here: https://t.co/5k6YK1uoSV
Follow them here 👇@MikeValorant@puuundaaa@NiceHacks2@its_yifang@Duttiboiii pic.twitter.com/CcpYiiGSqY
Today, we say farewell to @creativ_b. The man’s stuck with us through an incredibly tough year of online-only matches, and we wish him the brightest of futures in @PlayValorant.
— Ninjas in Pyjamas (@NIP) August 23, 2021
Au revoir, Charles! ❤️ https://t.co/Myu7dgKQCP pic.twitter.com/Y3goRToURI
Rebuilding the @theAllianceGG VALORANT team starts now!
— James Banks 🇺🇦 (@BanKsEsports) August 26, 2021
I'm looking for players who are motivated, dedicated & eager to prove themselves at the highest level.
We're looking for highly skilled duelists and controllers that want the opportunity to trial for us, my DMs are open! pic.twitter.com/j5JD67hktK
今年1月設立されたブラジルのeスポーツチームSLICKがVALORANT部門の解散を発表。Stage 1、Stage 2ではいずれも最終ステージまで進めているが、Stage 3では予選敗退。
Seja bem vindo, DISBAND!
— SLICK (@slickgg_) August 27, 2021
Ele chega para integrar a nossa equipe em 2022 e buscar a vaga no mundial kkkkkkkkkkk
Ok, agora é sério. Vamo lá.
Agradecemos a todos que torceram e apoiaram até aqui, leiam o texto sem reclamar do tamanho. Amamos vocês ❤️ pic.twitter.com/Bv5qkMskOp
Luminosity Gaming、thief、stellarと契約終了
Luminosity Gaming、VALORANT部門の設立当初よりチームを支えたthief、stellarと契約終了を発表。選手活動は継続予定で、オファーを公開中。
Hey guys! After ~1 year I have been officially released from @Luminosity. I would like to thank them for everything they've provided throughout that time. I am now a F/A and actively looking for a team to play with! I mainly play smokes/sentinel and have a lot of IGL exp.
— stellar (@st9llar) August 25, 2021
After a year with @Luminosity, I am officially a Free Agent looking for other opportunities, I would like to thank them for everything. I prefer to play duelist, and can sentinel as well.
— thief (@thi9f) August 27, 2021
TviQ、uNKOE、aKmなど、Overwatch出身選手の獲得しVALORANTシーンへ参戦したOG。Stage 1、Stage 2、Stage 3、いずれも結果を残せずメンバー変更が続く。
As of today I’m released from @OGesports . So I’m looking for a new team now
— trexx (@trexxVAL) August 27, 2021
I want to say thanks for this opportunity and such experience to @OGesports 🤍
You can contact me in DMs or my email
RT’s appreciated 👉👈
A new addition to the Black and Orange: @AnderzzTV joins as our Valorant Strategic Coach!
— FNATIC (@FNATIC) August 27, 2021
With our eyes set towards #VCT LCQ & Champions, Anderzz's experience, insight, and strategy will push the team to perform at their very highest level of play. pic.twitter.com/wwYkb3lTPy
WAVE EsportsがVALORANT部門の再構築を発表
WAVE EsportsがZik、Carcass、SEIDERの3名を放出し、VALORANT部門の再構築を発表。来シーズンに向け、IGL、デュエリスト、センチネルを募集中。
We are going to rebuild our Valorant team and will be looking for new players in the following positions:
— WAVE Valorant (@WaveValorant) August 29, 2021
This means we are giving @ZikGOD, @SEIDERGOD & @CarcassGG the opportunity to explore other options. pic.twitter.com/aMH47B5VdU